Sunday 30 March 2014

Caesar The Geezer's smoking protest 24-3-1995

This is Caesar's smoking protest show in it's entirety. (all news and ads intact apart from the first ad break which I cut at the time of recording.)

Caesar informed the listeners that he'd been told by management that he was no longer allowed to smoke in the studio, and by way of protest he was doing his show standing outside in Oxford Street.

1st hour
2nd hour
3rd hour
4th hour
The start of the Nick Miller show (after Caesar until the tape runs out) (6 minutes)

I might as well add this in this post...

ads & trails & Caesar jingles, March 1995 (8 minutes)
A few disjointed clips. I was trying to record a particular show trail so I kept recording at the end of ad breaks in the hope they'd play it. It never got recorded over as I'd intended so here it is.

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